Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Thoughts on Charity

One of the lessons I was taught (maybe inadvertently) from an early age was that "We don't need Charity" - because "charity" wasn't seen as simply a gift given out of love, but as something given in spite, without care. There is very little I remember of life as a child, but the concept of accepting "what we don't need" still reverberates in my brain.

When Tortoise was 6 moths old, Lion and I decided to move away... to come live near Lion's family halfway across the country. After the first few months of living here, Lion finally convinced me to go to Mass with him at the somewhat-local Traditional Catholic Church (where the Mass was still spoken in Latin).. and I was blown away by the beauty, devotion, and reverence paid to our Lord during and after the service. After many months of attending the Latin Rite of the Mass, I began talking to the Priest about converting. During the talks between the Priest, Lion, and I had - in preperation for my conversion, baptism, and our remarriage within the Church -- we talked at length about Charity. What true Charity is, what it means, and that the giving and accepting of Charity is nothing to be ashamed of - just the opposite. Charity - giving or accepting of - is God's Grace shining down upon someone in need, and God's Love showing the path to someone who can help. Both sides of the equation are blessed by the experience of Charity.. not just the one being helped, but the one helping as well... it was then that I finally understood that the way of thinking that I knew from childhood was wrong... truly unhealthy to both the heart and the spirit. Charity is God's Love in practice. If a person in unable to accept charity in it's true form, then it shows a lack of faith that God knows what you need, even if it is contrary to what you think you need or want. And that a person's denial of the Charity being offered not only hurts him (and by extension - his family), but denied the giver the full blessing that God might have been able to bestow. I know that I feel a flutter in my heart whenever I am able to give 5 or 6 extra dollars to the school to help pay for another child's field trip, knowing the joy that that child will feel, and the relief of the child's parents - especially knowing they won't know who helped, only that someone did. I've also been on the other end of exactly that charity... when I was unable to come up with said 5 dollars, but my child was able to go simply because of the anonymous charity of another....

Over the years I have not given as much as I should... not nearly as much as I should. I have been given a great deal, and I have graciously (I HOPE!) accepted what is needed. Almost 2 years ago, when we were in a car accident (my fault) that totaled my minivan, and nearly totally Lion's truck and my oldest son Elephant. Elephant was flown by helicopter to a children's hospital an hour away.. . at the time I was 36 weeks preggers with Vixen, and the other 3 children were being watched by Penguin, Meerkat, and Ostrich (God Bless You Penguin, Meerkat, and Ostrich) while Lion and I remained at the bedside of our critically injured son. Luckily, Elephant recovered very well in the hospital - he lost the use of a kidney and his spleen ruptured, both both healed well without surgery. After we returned home with Elephant from the hospital, I was told by his Pre-K teacher that the school had collected money to help our family through the crisis - I broke down. I accepted the money with humility in my heart and tears in my eyes.. At every point in Lion and my life together, when something was needed, it has always been provided... God takes such excellent care of our family. He, in his infinite wisdom, knew we would need financial help to get through the coming weeks, and months... and he helped others to see us as well. That money rode us over the coming financial storm, we got Lion's truck repaired and eventually bought a new-to-me van... but honestly I don't know how we would have made it without the help of those very kind and thoughtful people. Our meager letter of thanks could not convey my gratitude. God Bless You Thoughtful and Caring People.

Of course, charity comes in many forms...

Penguin frequently watches all 5 of my children at the drop of a hat - for FREE. And, I'm sure, NOT only because she loves them so much either... but because she knows we couldn't - can't - afford to pay her. God Bless You Penguin!!

Meerkat used to pay me to pick Penguin and Moose up at school, then to clean her floors, and after that to iron and starch her clothes... she didn't need to do that... I had nothing better to do besides watch TV... but she did it because she knew it would make me feel better to know that I was bringing in some small money to keep my family afloat - or just to help me keep my sanity. God Bless You Meerkat.

Eclectus frequently sends money to help with "unexpected needs" like school field trips, clothes, shoes, and ice cream for the kids, ER visits, or just when I get to the end of the month and realize that there's just NO WAY I can pay that bill!! "Mom... what am I going to do?"... of course, she wouldn't be able to do this without my Dad working so hard and so much that they have that little bit of extra to help us with. God Bless You Eclectus and Tiger.

I wish I could name everyone who has been so kind and wonderful and CHARITABLE over all these years, and all the years to come... and I pray that some day Lion and I will be able to pay the charity forward to others in need of help... until then, I will do my best to help where I can, and try to remember that sometimes we all need a little help.. that there is no shame in accepting what is needed from someone who is able and willing to give.. that God will continue to look after us and all His flock in His own way, and in His own time. Sometimes we must experience the hard times in order to know what true goodness is. So a heartfelt Thank You and God Bless you to anyone out there who had ever given freely out of the goodness and godliness of their hearts, to anyone in need - no matter how little or how much - you are all blessed in God's eyes, and you are all my heroes.


Keshia said...

Thank you. I think I needed to hear this. :)

Anonymous said...

I got to watch my daughter in action....very smooth! She started with Tortoise coming in with one story, got the other two (Elephant and Peacock) and compared all three stories, every one had a different story-of course!- to tell and Roo sorted through it all and finally got to the most truthful account. Fox was of course demanding ice cream through the entire confrontation, and Zebra and Monkey had to come watch (and try to input their 2 cents). Roo would have made an excellent detective! Eclectus