Friday, July 30, 2010


January 11, 2010: Baby Vixen crawled right up to me (I am sitting on the floor pulling up staples from the carpet I pulled up today) grabbed my hand & placed a book into it. Okay baby I'll read to you!!

January 13, 2010: Monkey has been having trouble opening doors - so I showed him how to turn the knob with 2 hands (after explaining that he needed to put his toys down 1st). Now he's in his room opening and closing the door repeatedly saying "I did it mama!!!" after each successful open door. Good job buddy!!

January 17, 2010: I just asked Monkey to leave the kitchen saying "you're driving me nuts Monkey". Now he's wandering all over the house telling anyone who'll listen "me driving mama nuts!". He's very proud of himself.

January 30, 2010:
Elephant while playing on his toy laptop: mama did you know I got a high score on this? Like a hundred! More than a hundred! Isn't that cool?!”
Me: that's great buddy I'm proud of you!
Elephant: I am AWESOME! Leaving me grinning

February 6, 2010: I just sent the girls in to straighten up their room Zebra came back out to ask "Mama, can we push the clothes under the bed?" -no honey put them away

February 13, 2010: Elephant says: “Mama, can you please be quiet so I can concentrate on my game?” -- no Elephant I can't.

February 24, 2010 I put Scottish bagpipes on the van stereo- Monkey says "sounds like baby cow in trouble" .... but! he *says* he likes it!

April 16, 2010: Both Tortoise (with "the smartest boy in class") and Elephant (with a girl in class "I don't know why") are in love!

April 19, 2010: Zebra to Mama: "Why do you have bumps on your body?" -- pointing at my boobs.... I laughed, then explained that all girls get "bumps" when they are teenagers... she said "even Tortoise?" yes. "and Vixen?" yes. "hehe.... me too then. I hope I get big ones." and walked away. ROFLMAO

April 25, 2010: I was sanding the drywall in our room, came out to discuss colors for paint in the dining room when I heard a big sigh.... turned around to find baby Vixen was asleep on the dining room table!
March 9, 2010: as the sun was shining in Monkey's eyes: "STOP Summer!! Stop! I cover mine eyes so Summer won't get dem........ Mama, you stop Summer?"…..
I chuckled and said "no Buddy I can't stop the sun from shining"

June 27, 2010: as I am applying scrapbook paper to giant letters in my name for my craftroom…
Zebra to me: Uh Mama... there's no -letter- in your name (duh)...
me: really? how is my name spelled?
Zebra: M A M A. No -letter- Mama.
me: you're right Zebra. Mama doesn't have a -letter-, but -my name- does. and I'm -my name-.
at which point she looked at me like I was an alien, shook her head, and walked away.

July 11, 2010: as I was tucking Monkey into bed
me: Aunt Penguin thinks you're the coolest kid ever.
-he grins-
me: Do you think you're the coolest kid ever?
Monkey: no.
me: who is?
Monkey: Elephant.

July 25, 2010: I ask Penguin and Eclectus who my animal should be on Giggle’s Zoo – my blog… Tortoise pipes in with “PIG!!!”

July 27, 2010: Elclectus and I are sitting at a traffic light getting ready to turn onto a cross-street, Monkey says: “you cars gets off of ouwers road!”

that's it for the first installment of Giggle-isms!! And just for the heck of it, here's a picture of all the kiddos taken a year ago by Meerkat:


Mama Bear said...

LOL@Zebra wanting big boobs. She cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

Look out, she might get what she is asking for!!! Eclectus