Saturday, January 15, 2011

Newborn Koala

I can hardly believe my darling "Little Bird" Koala isn't a newborn anymore...
one day not very long from now I will look up 
and she'll be walking, talking, 
and eventually gently handing me her own tiny bundle of love in the form of 
my Grandchild. And I will wonder where the time went. 
I hope and pray that I give her all the wonderful memories of childhood I possibly can, and enjoy every minute as many hours of happiness and joy 
in her oh-so-short childhood years as possible... 
and that she always knows how much I love her.

*sigh* enough of that!
She may not be a newborn anymore,
but here are the pictures from when she WAS...
just a few short weeks ago...
LOVE this picture!
:D her hair sticks up all over the place and it's SO adorable!
She's so TINY in my hands...
I wonder if this is what God feel like
(you know...with the world in his hands...)
My precious sleeping darling... and her pretty blanket :)
There's Little Bird's little bird.... ahhh I crack myself up...
but seriously, there the little bird (my favorite of her toys - Olivia the Owl)