Friday, August 13, 2010

Getting to Know the Giggles: Tortoise

Tortoise, my silly, zany, beautiful, intelligent, girl.

Tortoise loves school. She enjoys almost all subjects -science and reading are her favorites, and Math her least favorite. But she makes A's and B's the vast majority of the time.

She is a happy girl, and since we instituted a reward system where she "earns a chapter" (I read a Chapter from Terry Brook's Landover Series) is very interested in helping out with household chores. She is a wonderful help with her little brothers and sister, albeit a bit bossy- lol... more than a bit, but sometimes a simple reminder that she is NOT "mini-mama" suffices to remind her that she's their sister, not their parent. :)

Tortoise is an excellent Big Sister!! This picture was taken while she was teaching little brother Elephant how to ride his bike without training wheels... she did it entirely by herself!! Even set up a chart on his progress!
I look back on the day she was born and find it difficult to believe how much she has grown... and what a good girl God has given us. We Love You Tortoise!!


Anonymous said...

You put her real name in paragraph 3. You might want to change it before your enemies use that info against you.

Faith said...

LOL@Fox. i'm sure Mama Roo appreciates the help anyways!!

Keshia said...

Rewarding her with reading is am awesome idea!