Thursday, August 19, 2010

Getting to Know the Giggles: Mama Roo

Mama Roo: Wife and Stay at Home Mama

hmmm... I'm usually not a big proponent of talking about myself.... so I guess I'll take a cue from Penguin and just list some random facts about me:

1. In High School, I ran track (the mile and the 800) and played Volleyball... I also took an aerobics class in College -- so, once upon a time, I was athletic
2. Also once upon a time I wanted to be an Wild Animal Veterinarian, attended 1 year of college for that purpose before I...
3. joined the Military to pay for further college -- I enjoyed it, was a great experience, but only stayed in a year due to:
4. Gave birth to our first child at the ripe young age of 20. Just 1 year after Lion and I were married.
5. I lived in Belgium and Germany for a year each while in High School. Not, my parents were not in the military, but my Dad's company moved us over there to open up new branches of their business.
6. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters (only 1 natural brother -Dragon- and 1 natural sister -Unicorn - died in a car accident when I was 14) -- my parents and I adopted Peacock the year following the wreck... and Penguin and Moose came with Lion :)
7. My favorite color is blue, but more often than not, I will choose sage-y green when picking colors ... I also really like yellow
8. My favorite book is Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven... my second favorite is The Road by Cormac McCarthy
9. My favorite TV series is Pride and Prejudice - with Colin Frith, not the new movie... the TV series
10. My Jungian Personality Profile is ISFJ: Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging -- it's pretty much spot-on
11. I am wonderfully happily married.
12. I LOVE scrapbooking.
13. I also Cross-Stitch, crochet, and draw trees (yes, just trees).
14. Other made-for-TV series I enjoy are: Sharpes, Band of Brothers, The Closer, Rizzoli and Isles, House... there are more but I can't think of them right now
15. My favorite Disney movie is Robin Hood -- I've seen it over a hundred times... I keep having to buy new copies...
16. I have given birth to 4 out of 5 kids at home by choice. A post on Home-birthing upcoming
17. I have given birth to 5 out of 5 kids without drugs... all natural baby!
18. I really enjoy JD Robb's In Death series of books
19. I read Terry Bishop's Landover series of books to my daughter as a reward for doing extra chores.
20. whew... I can't thing of anything else..... I'm just not that interesting... ummmmmmmm......  OH! I am not a feminist.   Or at least... I'm not what people refer to as "feminist" -- there will be a post on this soon.

I LOVE the beach too... yay me! that's 21 things!


Keshia said...

Yay for a home-birth post!!

Mama Roo from Giggle's Zoo said...

The Home-birth post turned into a really big deal.... just couldn't contain everything that needed to be said in one post... so a 3 part series on home-birthing begins tomorrow!
Part 1: My hospital birth is tomorrow.
Part 2: Home-Birth Midwives is scheduled for Saturday, and
Part 3: My 4 Home-births is due to post on Sunday... I'm still working on this one.

Whew! LOL I'm an idiot... that should have been fact-about-me-#22!

Faith said...

you always spell her name wrong. it's keshia haha. not keisha. :P